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niños corriendo



In all fields of medicine and dentistry, prevention is the key.  Taking care of your child today will save you and your family worry, stress, and money in the future. Early treatment can proactively correct problems during your child's growing years, resulting in less invasive procedures later in life.  At the Martin Goenaga clinic we like to see children for the first time at 4 years old. In this way we will be able to eliminate oral habits that are detrimental to the normal development of the dentition, as well as act on the maxillary bones that are in the formation and growth phase.

Problems with the growth or occlusion of the jaw (the way the teeth fit together) can lead to more serious complications that can affect breathing or speech patterns. On the other hand, if crowding is a problem, leaving it untreated can result in extractions of permanent (adult) teeth later on.

In addition, Dr. Martín will treat them as if they were his children!

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